Getting Started

Once you have finished installing this library into your virtual environment, you should have access to the submit-metadata-bundle and the submit-genelist commands. There are 3 types of submissions: accessioning (new cases) and family history (pedigrees) both use the submit-metadata-bundle command, and gene lists use the submit-genelist command.

Formatting Files for Submission

For details on what file formats are accepted and how the information should be structured, see our submission help pages at the main CGAP server or at <your-cgap-server>/help/submission .

Metadata Bundles

There are two types of submissions that fall under “metadata bundles” - namely, accessioning (new cases) and family history (pedigrees). The default is accessioning, if no ingestion type is specified. If you would like to submit a family history, make sure the cases are submitted first.


For help about arguments, do:

submit-metadata-bundle --help

However, it should suffice for many cases to specify the bundle file you want to upload and either a site or a CGAP beanstalk environment. For example:

submit-metadata-bundle mymetadata.xlsx --server <server_url>

This command should do everything, including upload referenced files if they are in the same directory. (It will ask for confirmation.) If you belong to multiple projects and/or institutions, you can also add the --project <project> and --institution <institution> options; if you belong to only one project/institution in CGAP, the system will automatically detect them.

To invoke it for validation only, without submitting anything, do:

submit-metadata-bundle mymetadata.xlsx --validate_only --server <server_url>

To specify a different directory for the files, do:

submit-metadata-bundle mymetadata.xlsx --upload_folder /path/to/folder --server <server_url>

The above command will only look in the directory specified (and not any subdirectories) for the files to upload. To look in the directory and all subdirectories, do:

submit-metadata-bundle mymetadata.xlsx --upload_folder /path/to/folder --subfolders --server <server_url>

You can resume execution with the upload part by doing:

resume-uploads <uuid> --env <env>


resume-uploads <uuid> --server <server_url>

You can upload individual files separately by doing:

upload-item-data <filename> --uuid <item-uuid> --env <env>


upload-item-data <filename> --uuid <item-uuid> --server <server_url>

where the <item-uuid> is the uuid for the individual item, not the metadata bundle.

Normally, for the three commands above, you are asked to verify the files you would like to upload. If you would like to skip these prompts so the commands can be run by a scheduler or in the background, you can pass the --no_query or -nq argument, such as:

submit-metadata-bundle mymetadata.xlsx --no_query

Family History

If, after submitting a case, you would also like to submit a family history for the case, you use the same command as described above but add the –ingestion_type flag:

submit-metadata-bundle mypedigree.xlsx --ingestion_type family_history --server <server_url>

Gene Lists

The submit-genelist command shares similar features with submit-metadata-bundle. For help about arguments, do:

submit-genelist --help

and to submit a gene list for validation only, do:

submit-genelist --validate-only

For most situations, simply specify the gene list you want to upload, e.g.:

submit-genelist mygenelist.xlsx --server <server_url>